Saturday, December 24, 2016

You'd Better Not Pout

Merry Christmas to all you lovely folks who visit me here at Nib's End.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

AKA Cozy

     My husband has dozens of nicknames for me. He has been home from bouncing around the globe since the week of Thanksgiving, and he is so happy to be laying in his own bed reading books with me next to him at night that he has begun calling me Cozy. It is cold and gray and snowy outside our windows on this first day of Winter, but it is snug inside our house. The wrapping, baking and cleaning are done; the tree and candles are shining in the twilight; there are harps and violins humming Christmas carols to cheer us, and family is due to arrive from the airport at any moment. Yes, I am feeling Cozy and it suits me just fine.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

God Rest Ye Weary Gentlemen

God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing ye dismay.
Remember Christ the Saviour
Was born on Christmas day.
To save us all from Satan's power
When we had gone astray.
Oh tidings of comfort and joy!

     Folks have been singing this carol for over four hundred years. It beautifully captures our celebration of Christmas in a nutshell. Except for that word merry...What particular need do the merry have for rest, for encouragement or comfort? My sister-in-law mentioned to me recently that she has always sung the first line: God rest ye weary gentlemen and was surprised to hear that she has been singing it incorrectly all these years.

     So, whether or not it is correct, I am adopting her version because it makes more sense to me. With so much to become dismayed about in our crumpled old world, I am grateful for this season of celebration in which to remember that we need not be crushed by trouble, and that there is a comfort and even joy to be found in the hope of Christ who came to save us.

     Come to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest - Matthew 11:28

     And the weary world rejoices...

Thursday, December 15, 2016


     As the thermometer drops to abominable temperatures and another snowstorm is forecasted, I am reminded that living in such a frigid climate has its advantages. With my refrigerator already full, I have the entire front porch in which to chill my berry butternut cookies before they go into the oven.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas With the Queen's Guard

     My annual foray into the realm of Christmas crafting has, sadly, lacked inspiration this year. So it is that I turn to the true crafter in the family, my 11-year-old granddaughter, Girlybird. She made this ornament for my tree. It is one of those hit-the-nail-on-the-head kind of gifts that come along every so often and warms the cockles of one's heart forever after. She knows how much I enjoyed my Once in a Lifetime trip to London 18 months ago, and how I long to return to England someday.

     I have many ornaments from past years that are precious to me, but this steadfast clothespin British soldier standing watch over our tree beats them all.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Jack Frost

     I have been waiting patiently for my fairy godmother to charm my fine pumpkin into a twinkler for the holiday table. Meanwhile, Jack Frost has passed through the back garden and taken some pains to claim it for himself.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Make Way for Christmas

     And then, the incredibly lovely pumpkin was banished to the back garden to make way for Christmas.

     I suppose, if I am being honest with myself, I am secretly hoping I will wake one morning to find that my fairy godmother has been for a visit.

     In which case, I will stick a sprig of holly on it and bring it back inside as a centerpiece for the holiday table.

     Unless, of course, I am invited to a ball.